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About me

My name is Abby polzin and I am a senior in high school. This project was the main part of our english class this year. Everyone had to pick a topic that they wanted to read a book about and research for the entire school year. With all of the information that we found, we wrote a paper, gave a presentation, and made this website. 


I chose elite athletes because I have been competing in sports for most of my life. I have been on a swim team for about ten years and have been running cross country and track for eight. I am also planning on continuing my running career in college for the next four years. Besides swimming and running, I also tried out quite a few sports; however, I was not very good at them.


I had originally wanted to do something with sports psychology, but came across David Epstein's book, The Sports Gene. With my background in athletics, I thought that both of these topics were very interesting and could be helpful to me. To me, it was very interesting to learn about the differences in men and women that give them so many genetic advantages over women. It is a neat thing to think about when seeing boys times at cross country and track meets. For example, a decent high school boy could be faster than the top girls. 


I had a fun time researching about this topic and was left with questions about why women even compete in sports if men have all the genetic advantages. I hope you enjoy learning about this topic as well. 

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